Annual Fund

The support of alumni, parents, and friends has offered the life-changing opportunity of a Subiaco education to many young men. Our Annual Fund allows us to continue our mission of forming men who are devoted to God, of good character, committed scholars, and faithful brothers to one another.

Annual Fund allows for giving as one-time gifts, quarterly or monthly, creating the opportunity for all alumni and friends of Subiaco to help us in this vital area. You will know that your gift to Subiaco is directly aiding the growth and education of young men who will be tomorrow’s leaders. Gifts received enable us to attract and maintain a committed and caring faculty as we continue to strengthen our programs, making Subiaco Academy a top-rating choice among boarding and day schools. Subiaco's Annual Fund accounts for about 5-10% of the operating budget each fiscal year. Ready to make your gift now? Click on the Paypal icon 

Please thoughtfully and prayerfully consider making a gift to the Annual Fund. Your generosity will impact young lives in ways you cannot imagine! Gifts can be set up via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) from your bank account or pay by credit card to earn reward points as your card plan allows. Contact our Development Office staff at 479-934-1001or email

Don't forget to inform us if your employer offers a Matching Gift program! Your gift could be doubled or in some cases even more! For questions about Matching Gifts, contact Linda Freeman, Director of Development Operations at 479-934-1029 or

Subiaco Academy's EIN: 04-3732488

Linda Freeman

Linda Freeman

Director of Development Operations

(479) 934-1029