Subiaco Academy

Subiaco Academy is in the path of totality for the solar eclipse on April 8, 2024.  With Mt. Magazine and Logan County being advertised as among the best viewing places in Arkansas, we have been advised by Logan County Emergency Management and the Paris Chamber of Commerce Eclipse Committee to expect large numbers of visitors to our area which may cause traffic jams.

The eclipse begins at 12:32 pm and ends at 3:10 pm in our area--just at the time when our day students prepare to leave for home.  The local tourism board also has events planned in Paris from 10 am to 6 pm on the day of the event.  Not at the least of our consideration is that both our boarding and day students may want to enjoy a long weekend at home and view this event with their families.

For these reasons, we have made the decision to cancel classes on Monday, April 8, as have all other local schools.  Boarding students are encouraged to leave campus at the end of the day on Friday, April 5 for a long weekend and return to campus after 6 pm on Monday, April 8, after the eclipse events are over.  Day students will be able to experience the eclipse at home with their families.  We will provide protective eclipse viewing glasses for our boarding students who are unable to go home so that they may safely enjoy the eclipse here on campus; however, we hope that many  students can all make plans to spend the eclipse weekend at home!

If you have any questions, please contact a member of the administrative team.