- Students & Parents: Every Friday in October, students who purchase the "Tough Guys Wear Pink" shirt will be able to dress down. Please check your emails for details on where the donations will go as well as how to purchase. Parents, there's a perk in there for you, too, so be sure to check it out!
- This week we celebrate National Techies Day, National Do Something Nice Day, National Coaches’ Day, National Custodial Workers’ Recognition Day, World Teacher Day, and Sunday is Clergy Appreciation Day. To celebrate, STUCO in union with the Parents’ Association, will be supplying drinks to staff so be sure to check those emails! Parents, if you'd like to adopt a staff member for $2, please email Ms. Hoffower at mhoffower@subi.org.
- Boarding students: Please check your emails for information on an upcoming Saturday trip to the Castle of Muskogee.
- The Flu Shot Clinic will be held at Subiaco on October 27 beginning at approximately 8:30 AM. Nurse Barbara will be contacting parents and students with information.

Daily Announcements
October 5, 2022