- Today is World Indigenous Peoples Day. The Academy especially recognizes our students from Arizona and takes the opportunity to say we are glad you are here!
- Self-Pay students wanting to attend the Castle of Muskogee, please see Ms. Hoffower to sign up and get tickets.
- The Flu Shot Clinic will be held at Subiaco on October 27 beginning at approximately 8:30 AM. Nurse Barbara will be contacting parents and students with information.
- We will have a short Assembly next Tuesday, October 11, in the PAC Auditorium for a Chapel Talk. Class 5B will resume immediately afterwards.
- The 7/8 Grade will have their Annual Retreat on Wednesday, October 12.
- Juniors will take the PSAT on National Test Day on Wednesday, October 12.
- Our annual afternoon of community service will be Wednesday, October 12. The faculty, staff, and students will participate in service projects during the afternoon. Be prepared to change into working clothes and shoes at lunch!

Announcements, October 10, 2022
October 10, 2022